Our P.T.A Needs You!

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Our P.T.A Needs You!

Our school is always on the lookout for new members for our PTA. Due to COVID over the last two years events have been limited. However, we hope to hit the ground running during the next academic year!

To achieve this, we need parents to help us out. If you feel you could give up some time to help at our events and perhaps attend a few meetings to offer some fundraising ideas, please let the school know. We really are a very friendly bunch!

Thanks in advance! The more the merrier!!

Tags: PTA
Created: 13th Aug 2023
Updated: 27th Nov 2023
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Web Admin

Web Admin has been proudly supporting Londonderry Primary school since August 2009. Although Web Admin is not a member of the LPS teaching team, they are proud to be part of the wider LPS team


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